These days, late night Anime TV programs have tendency to become big hits in Japan. Something like, Eureka Seven, Hachimitsu to Clover (Honey and Clover) which became even more popular after releasing an actual film version, and Higashi no Eden (Eden of the east) which became a huge hit movie are good examples of these Anime from late night spots.

And now, in the last year, GAINAX which produced Neon Genesis Evangelion made a big hit Anime called, "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt" from late night spot. They took a lot of essence from American Comic and Hollywood movie, and it created new direction and sensation. We've put photos from Comic Market in last December, and you can identify some cosplayers from "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt" below.

Recently, GAINAX and Galaxxxy who handles merchandise of "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt" collaborated an event in Shibuya, Tokyo. The event had tons of characters, illustrations and music by TCY Recordings. The space was filled with people, and it proved that "Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt" is still a huge hit.
They gave us special permission to take pictures of the event and an exhibition at Galaxxxy Shop. Enjoy!